Thursday, 22 March 2012

How to reach me through Ubuntuforums.

A Geeky story:

When I started exploring *nix world, I created a profile on ubuntuforums with username: ~!geek!~
It too has a story of its own like my online identity drake01.
It was before I created my identity as drake01. I started my life in this fascinating world of un*x by an accident, which is not so important and just stuck with it. The other morning I started liking this new world. It was really good since day 2 of this new life. Before I tell you the story, I want to share a trivia with You, When I was learning calculus, I learnt about a great equation : e^(i*π)+1=0. This is a remarkable equation. It unifies five important constants in single equation. In one of the great text books on calculus, it's been mentioned that if World ends sometime, and mathematicians have to leave the world (obviously with all other people) with only a single fact left for new life which will start after they are gone, they should leave this equation. It is an equation which unifies so called five most important constants and only them with operators. It conveys that there exists five important constants while describing nature in the language of mathematics related by a single equation. Sooner or later, new world should be able to come to find 5 constants satisfying this equation. Thus making their job easier. Ok Enough Trivia...
About my name on ubuntu forums: ~!geek!~
It too sort of is inspired by the above trivia. I see it this way.
1) For Someone who is new to the world of this remarkable machine with newly installed *nix, the name says: the person you are interacting with is a geek and the symbols at the beginning and end of the name are just there for decoration purpose, or if she believe in symmetry the symbols are just for making word geek look packed with symbols on both sides symmetrically. As she assume me to be geek, she finds me helpful. Because geeks and nerds are helpful. :)
2) For peers and people surrounding me, people who are studying with me, or are of my age probably knows C and C++, would see it as not of Geek (you see, !geek and the the last ~ as implying command prompt on *nix. How smart they are!) They may interpret remaining symbols to be there for making name look symmetric. You see, I almost have same level of understanding about *nix world (I thought, those days). Even today I explain, my name this way to my peers. They do not need help from me, since I won't be of much help for them. Nor Do I since they would be knowing almost same about *nix as me. So no reason for wasting my time with them.
3) The third category of people are those who would interpret this name as I want them to, The name shows philosophy of  unifying the world of programming languages (atleast I want, crazy idea :) who cares!). The first ! and ~ are from C ( or C++) and prolog respectively for negation, both negating each other. The second ! is for exclamation about using both symbols in a single statement and the last ~ symbol implies the command prompt of *nix.  Thus implying the person behind it, that's me,  intends to be a geek or is a geek, whatever... This third category of people are great resources and worth befriending. Sharing knowledge with them is like multiplying your understanding with positive natural numbers. You won't feel your time wasted. Instead you would learn great things from them.

Again, I don't like to be indexed in search results without me knowing it. It seems the SearchEngines don't work well with the symbols like ~ and !. They ignore them or something, which means they see the name as geek and nothing more, which I like.
and searching the word geek, an english word with a meaning in dictionary, using a search engine has so much room for other words to come up before the one related to me, which is great.

I know the description sounds crazy, But this is what I am.

Good Bye Lurker. Have a nice Day :)

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