Monday, 23 April 2012

And I lost it

After so much enthusiasm and effort, I lost it.. Unhappy and Frustrated but you see it happens... Life just goes... Fsck you B****h! Lets leave it short as I have to write a three hour exam in less than 6 hours... Good Bye People...

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Melange Bug -A reaction

Here comes the Bug in Gsoc 2012 Melange Website: 
The students are waiting for the results anxiously and what hits their email clients, A mail from google melange saying:

Thank you for applying to Google Summer of Code 2012 via 
11:27 PM (23 hours ago)

to me
 What does a  student conclude from a mail like the above one.
For me it goes like this:
1) The mail has subject: Thank you for applying to Google Summer of Code 2012. 
It translates for me: You lost it dude this time. Try again next time.
Some will say, Seriously, you are so negative.. How far would you go in life, dear. My reply: Yeah, yeah easy for you to say.. We are talking about The Google here... Huh! The company which is believed to have a bug-free product launches, in general. Small glitches such as font and Css settings are considered as small bugs in this reference.. Other hint for me, The message body contains just "None". What's that!! Some hint about the database being used by google for storing data about it.. Yes, its part of social engineering.. There are a number of Dbms which has the default value None for the text fields... This information, if nothing else, it does tell me the mail is because of a bug and may or may not be legitimate.. But the subject is what makes me feel suspicious about.. It still says the annoying thing, Thanks for applying *blah*blah* stuff.. 
I hear that the students are getting mails telling them they've been selected for 1, 2 or three proposals submitted by them.. 
So there you are.. Let me predict what went wrong there.... 

This is what happened, according to me: The people for whom none of the proposals got selected this year before deduplication process got the same mail which I got. Bad news, but I don't control everything in this world, yet.. :||  The people with one or more proposals selected before deduplication process, got the positive mail quoting the projects which got selected for gsoc 2012. Good news for them :) You guys are in.. That's it.. Its just what I think.. Just had to spill it out somewhere.. Not based on any official news or anything. 
I hope I am wrong in speculating it, But I am rarely..
Anyways, lets close this writeup with the mails sent by the coordinators of gsoc who claim that the bug wasn't related in any way to what I wrote about here.. But... Rephrasing one of the great quotes, 
"Its all about code and no magic.." 
Signing off :)

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Today's Topics:

  1. Melange bug = student acceptance confusion (PLEASE READ)
     (David Watson)
  2. Fwd: Erroneous Emails to Students Followup from Google
     (David Watson)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 20:08:50 +0100
From: David Watson <>
Subject: [Gsoc] Melange bug = student acceptance confusion (PLEASE
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi All,

It appears that a bug in the Melange system used in GSoC has caused an
unexpectedly early and incorrect sending acceptance and rejection of
students. This means you may have received a number of emails wrongly
announcing that you have been accepted or rejected for multiple project
proposals (in some cases more than you submitted), and the messages have
blank bodies or confusing content.


Google are working on a fix and will make a statement soon. In the mean
time, please don't bother emailing Google, Melange, our org admins, each
other, your friends/family/the media/etc as we know there is a problem
;-) Normal service will hopefully be resumed soon, but don't be
surprised if this delays deadlines slightly.

Obviously this is frustrating for everyone, but bugs happen, so please
try not to spam #gsoc about it! ;-)

More info when we have it.



David Watson
UK Honeynet Project


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 20:45:13 +0100
From: David Watson <>
Subject: [Gsoc] Fwd: Erroneous Emails to Students Followup from Google
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi All,

More information from Google. In summary, don't panic and try to get
some sleep over the weekend before the excitement on Monday ;-)



-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Erroneous Emails to Students Followup
Date:   Thu, 19 Apr 2012 12:42:39 -0700
From:   Carol Smith <>
To:     Google Summer of Code Announce

Hi all,

At 10:26am PT today we started receiving reports that students were
getting emails about acceptance or rejection for Google Summer of Code.
Upon further investigation, it appears user error was the root of the
problem. We have reverted all changes in Melange and feel confident that
the status of proposals is correct now. Unfortunately these things
sometimes happen in the software world, and we are very sorry for all
the confusion this morning. We're looking into changes for the future
that will prevent this from happening again.

***Please note that NONE of the emails sent out today have ANY bearing
on final decisions for GSoC this year. Students will be announced at
19:00 UTC on Monday, 23 April.***

I want to call out a special thanks to Lennard, Sverre, and Madhusudan
from the Melange team for responding quickly and effectively to this
situation. They found the root of the problem and reverted all changes
in less than two hours.

Please let me know directly if you have any questions or concerns or
still see any discrepancies on your dashboard.

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